About Us

30 Years Of Hands-On Montessori Teaching. Young Learners’ Montessori House opened its gate to tiny little feet in 1992.

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Our History

Young Learners’ Montessori House opened its gate to tiny little feet in 1992. For three decades the team at Young Learners’ shares a deep commitment to each child, ensuring they reach their fullest potential. Nurturing little minds, watching them smile, observing them grow and experience the joy of having their children become the next generation of Young Learners’.
To us Young Learners’ is a magical place where your imagination runs free. We believe in giving children a warm nurturing environment, offering quality education by responding to the needs and uniqueness of every child and being home to our children.

Our History

Young Learners’ Montessori House opened its gate to tiny little feet in 1992. For three decades the team at Young Learners’ shares a deep commitment to each child, ensuring they reach their fullest potential. Nurturing little minds, watching them smile, observing them grow and experience the joy of having their children become the next generation of Young Learners’.
To us Young Learners’ is a magical place where your imagination runs free. We believe in giving children a warm nurturing environment, offering quality education by responding to the needs and uniqueness of every child and being home to our children.
“To assist a child we must provide them with an environment which will enable them to develop freely.”
-Maria Montessori

Why Choose Us!


From the Founder's Desk

When an individual, not merely sees a dream, but has the energy and the perseverance to make it become a reality, then an institution such as Young Learners’ Montessori House is born. 16th January 1992, was the date when my dream fructified into a reality. In today’s world of competitiveness and cut-throat attitudes, the Montessori Method helps in raising unselfish, caring human beings who are problem-solvers and have the self-confidence to lead successful lives through their own efforts. These were the reasons I chose the Montessori approach.

With this belief in the Montessori, I with a team of Montessori-trained teachers worked relentlessly in providing quality and meaningful education to the children at our school. We started off with four children and soon the numbers grew as people began to appreciate the personality, behaviour and knowledge of the children at Young Learners’. Parents opted to choose Montessori because they thought it was important for a child to enjoy the process of learning, for them to develop an analytical mind, respect others and become independent, confident adults. Young Learners’ tries to create a safe, clean environment for all its children, where their self-esteem is enhanced by the respect and attention given to their needs and capacities. It aims from the outset, to be a place where the child is free to express his individuality, and the adult is a helper who aids the child in its journey of self-growth.

Today my mission is to provide and spread this system of education that devotes itself to creating a harmonious and positive atmosphere in which children can learn, grow, achieve, succeed, and come to respect themselves. It is a great feeling to see the genesis of something small and then to see it grow so well. Young Learners’ has come a long way… and has many miles to go…

Founder of Young Learners’ Montessori House

Our Teachers

At Young Learners’ Montessori, we understand that the quality of education lies in the hands of our dedicated teachers. Our team of passionate educators serves as guiding lights, nurturing young minds with care, compassion and expertise.

With a deep understanding of the Montessori philosophy, our teachers create an environment where imagination thrives, brilliance unfolds and the unique potential of each child is unlocked. They are not just instructors, but mentors who foster independence, critical thinking and a love for learning.

Our teachers embody the values of respect, kindness and patience, modelling the behaviours we instil in our young learners. They create personalised learning experiences, providing the guidance and support needed for children to explore, discover and grow.

Through their commitment and expertise, our teachers create an educational journey filled with wonder, joy and meaningful connections. They are the heart and soul of our Montessori community, shaping the minds and hearts of our future leaders, thinkers and dreamers.