Guide For Parents

We are a complete guide to implementing Montessori practices in your everyday life.


The Parents' Role in a Montessori Classroom

Parent/School Relationships that Support Children’s Learning Good parent/school relationships can help children succeed academically. Schools and parents should work together to create an environment that is supportive and nurturing. This will foster students’ academic, social and emotional growth.

At Young Learners, we view parents as the primary teachers in a child’s life. The more Montessori teachers and parents communicate and cooperate, the more the student in the Montessori School is likely to benefit.Being supportive at home can be done best by first being informed.

It is advantageous to be aware of basic Montessori philosophy and practices and to use these at home when appropriate. Simple things like a step stool at the sink, coats hanging at a level at which the child can access, placing books, toys and art supplies in an orderly way on shelves may all help foster independence.

“Parent/School Relationships that Support Children’s Learning.”

-Maria Montessori


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Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Montessori philosophy and approach, including its emphasis on independence, individualized learning, and respect for the child’s innate curiosity and capabilities.

Discover strategies to foster a lifelong love for learning in your child. Explore the importance of following your child’s interests, providing open-ended materials, and engaging in meaningful conversations and activities that spark their curiosity and creativity.

Learn how to incorporate practical life activities into your child’s daily routine, such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for plants or pets. Discover the immense benefits of these activities for developing fine motor skills, concentration, and independence.

Explore strategies for supporting your child during challenging times, such as transitions, social interactions, and managing emotions. Learn about the role of consistency, empathy, and problem-solving in fostering resilience and emotional well-being.

Learn effective ways to communicate with your child’s teachers and engage in collaborative partnerships. Discover the importance of regular communication, parent-teacher conferences, and parent education events to stay connected and informed about your child’s progress.

Explore techniques to encourage your child’s independence and self-help skills, such as dressing themselves, preparing snacks, and organizing their belongings. Discover the power of fostering autonomy and building self-confidence.

Discover practical strategies for creating a Montessori-inspired environment at home, fostering independence, order, and a love for learning. Learn how to set up learning areas, select appropriate materials, and establish routines that align with Montessori principles.